Ensure authenticity, reliability, integrity and usability throughout the content lifecycle with a breadth of capabilities that go beyond basic records management.
Leverage integration with Microsoft 365®, SAP® S/4HANA, Salesforce® , Documentum™ for Life Sciences and APxCelerator to let users work within familiar applications.
Ensure compliance with highly regulated industry standards, such as DOD5015.2, GDPR, Baseline Records Management, Classified Records, Common Criteria and NARA.
Automate records declaration and classification using metadata to remove reliance on human action for greater accuracy and consistency even at high volumes above 100 million a day.
Rely on one system to manage the lifecycle of physical and electronic records, including 3D barcodes, reducing costs associated with training and software ownership.
Ensure protection against unauthorized access to critical business information, an operating system-level security break and unauthorized access to repository files.
Add extra protection for the repository and business-critical records and easily manage retention policies.